GET YOUR BOOK ON AMAZONSpeed Reading Simplified for Beginners: How You Can Double Your Reading Speed With an 8 Minute Exercise!
- Along with 7 Bad Reading Habits & 7 Common Misconceptions That People Have About Reading.

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Top reviews from the United States on

T K Jonsdottir
"Great tips on how to increase your reading speed. I particularly liked the tips about how you can increase your speed when reading on an e-reader. Setting my Kindle to the settings the author suggested made a huge difference for me."

"This is great! It has some techniques to double your reading speed that actually work! It also names 6 bad reading habits and how to fix each of them. Additionally, It contains some common reading misconceptions and it tells you why they aren't true. This is a great book!"

Gunnar Andri Þórisson
"Recommend this book if you want to increase your reading speed. Simple exercises that deliver results immediately."