How fast do you read today?

Before you use the FREE Speed Reading Exercise below - find out how fast you read - TODAY!

FREE Speed Reading Exercise

You will need:

- Reading material (e.g. novel) and pencil.
- Use finger as a pacer to control eye movement.
- Mark 'A' where you start reading.
- Mark 'X' where you stop reading.
- Find out how many words your read per minute (WPM).
- Repeat 5-15 times per day - for 7 days.

Do you need more help?

Speed Reading Simplified for Beginners: How You Can Double Your Reading Speed With an 8 Minute Exercise!

- Along with 7 Bad Reading Habits & 7 Common Misconceptions That People Have About Reading.

The book is now available on Amazon - $9.99

...or just GO FOR IT & learn...


- a 4 week Comprehensive 1-on-1 Online Speed Reading Coaching Program to Upgrade Your Reading Skills - in the reading material that means the most to you! - A Reading Program Tailored to Your NEEDS!

Here are more FREE Resources for you!

11 Simple Tips on How You Can Read a Lot More Novels & Fiction!

Here I will take you through my 11 Simple Tips on How You Can Read a Lot More Novels & Fiction! - with better focus, and enjoying even more books than before.

>> I want to read more novels!

Reading tips for Kindle, tablet, phone or really any eReader!

If you read a lot of books or any reading material on your Kindle, phone, tablet or eReader - here you will find my 7 Simple Steps That Will Help You Read on a Tablet, eReader or Phone.

I created this list because I found that almost 95% of my students were not using their eReaders in the right way.

Find my eReading Tips HERE!

11 Simple Tips on How to Tackle Textbooks for College or University

Here I will take you through my 11 Simple Tips on How to Tackle Textbooks for College or University With More Focus and Comprehension - and Without Putting You to Sleep!

I want more focus and comprehension while reading textbooks!

Do YOU Want to Attain Better & More Focused Reading Skills in...

Fiction - Novels

Do you mainly read fiction or novels - and want to read a lot more of them? Some of my students are reading a book - each day - and loving it!

Yes Please!

Non-Fiction - Handbooks

Do you mainly read non-fiction material or handbooks for work or hobby? Want to be able read a lot more of them - to keep up with your know-how and skills??

YES Please!

University or College Text Books

Do you mainly read text books for school? Do you want to be able to read them faster - with more comprehension and focus?

YES Please!

Kindle - eBooks

Is your reading material on PC or Mac, a tablet, phone or eReader? Are you using Kindle or iPad for your reading? Want to know what you can do to make your reading more efficient on your screen?

YES Please!

50% Complete

Two Step

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